I sit wondering in the sun
Who created this puzzling one
With infinite poise charm and grace
And many strange and wondrous ways
Woman called is she...
Pleasure she brings in her fold
Joy that lasts but not long
And gives way to pain and song
To sing to who is now a stone
Unmoved, untouched, silent and cold
Dazzling eyes and tender skin
Hide the cruel brain within
Always at work, silently, unseen
Without remorse to wreck and kill
Many a man of strength and will
Woman called is she...
Like a queen she sits and sees
A stallion come a cripple go
Writhing in pain and misery
Pitying the one who waits to go
To the queen of his fantasy
Woman called is she...
With a smile she sees him die
With a shrug she moves away
To charm another fool that way
No regrets, not a sigh
Why care for those die?
Woman called is she...