Thursday, October 18, 2007


Again and again I have hurt you

And dug deep into your wounds,

My own wounds still unhealed,

I have wanted you to just go...

For once I know

Who I want and that is

None but you.

Never will I hurt you

Or open old wounds

As I have thus far done.

Like a flower

I'll keep you love

Forever, with tender care.


Georg said...

Bonjour Vinod,

Are those poems from you or from someone else?


Vinod_Sharma said...

Hi Georg,

I saw you comment just now.

These are from me...written long back. There are more too, but I am not sure whether I should post them.

Anonymous said...

You should post more of them! I love the way you convey feelings through your words.

Vinod_Sharma said...

Thank you for your good words Shail...I haven't written for a long time, and I am not too sure about posting the ones that are still in a diary.